Assignment 2 consisted of styling the main page and creating a new page that also was styled using all of the basic elements of CSS.
Assignment 3 consisted of more advanced CSS techniques that were used to properly format a page. We learned how to use flexbox to create a desired layout for a web page.
Assignment 5 requires us to recreate the webpage We had to match all the elements as well as we could.
Assignment 6 requires us to learn how to use basic JavaScript techniques that we implemented into a few sections.
Assignment 7 requires us to learn how to use more advanced JavaScript techniques including if statements and implement them into two different sections that can be selected.
Assignment 8 requires us to learn how to use loops and more advanced JavaScript techniques to make a more precise thermometer.
Assignment 9 consists of two different sections that require us to learn how to use arrays and implement them into two different sections. One loops through an array of quotes, and the other loops through an array of colors to make a rainbow.
Assignment 10 required us to make a list of toys that when hovered over the details of the toy will be revealed. To do this we had to make the Toy class and the getToyItem method.
Assignment 11 required us to parse a JSON file, and display the content.
Assignment 13 required us create a new github repo and create a node project that is hosted on render.